I have been journeying for a long time within the realm of touch, therapy and healing. . .

Looking for more transformation, more impact, more power in the purpose to heal another, I found a lot of answers. . .
Yet the constant pressure to change my body, my mind, my spirit brought me to conclude that I want to seek coming-in-terms with my body, my mind, my spirit. Developing respect for the different manifestations of consciousness within my system; be they sub-conscious or unconscious as well.
Our ability to sense, through all our sensorial senses, is in many ways mediators for that cause.
More often than not, we do not pay enough attention on cultivating our apprehension of many sensations arising. More often than not, we let our environment numb those very precious signals to lay sober contact with our surrounding. We build trauma, defense mechanisms and denial to re-connect.
This is exactly what The Sensual Body Work is all about. Reclaiming our natural sensorial perceptions with adequacy, precision and discernment.