Reiki is the Japanese word for ‘Universal Life-Force’. The word has been used to describe an ancient healing method that resurfaced about a 100 years ago. The method consists of a ‘healer’ that aligns and channels healing energy(Universal Life-Force) through his body and gives it forth by the hands to areas of the ‘healee’.
From my experience, Reiki has been the strongest remedy for inflammation pathologies. Not only does it clear emotional and mental blockages but also brings a sense of spiritual cocooning for deep emotional wounding.
I combine Reiki with light language codes during my treatments. The patient is lying comfortably on a massage bed. Clothes are kept on. This treatment helps in the alignment, protection and clearing of the energetic bodies. Upon agreement, more techniques can also be used such as soul fragmentation work, inner child work, past life trauma work, karmic ties, and other modalities to unroot deep subconscious and unconscious patterns.
Reiki is healing with the universal life force