Light Language is a universal language, using colours and shapes(polyhedra) as the means of communication. Originating from the teachings of Curanderos/Curanderas (shamans from South America), this knowledge has been kept pure through its 24 generation lineage.
This co-creative and communicative tool is shared through emanating, radiating and diffusing codes of information from your electro-magnetic field unto your environment. There are several techniques in anchoring and stabilizing this language as to allow a more deepening and long lasting shift in your body or environment called grids.
By activating these light grids you can promote any quality you like such as: strength, abundance, immunity, peace, psychic abilities, connectivity, enlightenment, and more than 12’400 other precise qualities. This is one of the highest arts of magic bypassing all possibilities to infringe upon free will, which means that if you have a negative intention, then it will not work. This is a deep healing, in resonance with natural law.
Beyond the classes and personal sessions, I offer grids with 7, 49 or 144 shapes. With each grid comes a consultation and when finished, you’ll get a downloadable version of your grid.
7 Chakra Grid costs: CHF 65.00
49 Intention Grid costs: CHF 85.00
144 Eternal Soul Grid costs: CHF 310.00
Examples of 7 shaped grids
A 7 shaped grid is a specific series of seven coloured shapes that surround a person, place or being in relationship to every chakra. These shapes act much the same way that our personal boundaries do. Here are the ways that they are different:
They also attract energies; the shape and colour give them focus.
They are constructed so they work with each other.
They are constructed from your deepest spiritual need and work outward to your physical boundaries aligning everything in-between.
It is chosen and created consciously rather than letting patterns or belief systems do it subconsciously.
The grid is suited for the circumstances in your life and your needs or wants.
When grids are used, they bring in energies in a harmonious fashion opposed to the no-form of a belief.
By changing the grids timely, you can work on patterns or beliefs that you choose to let go off, to give yourself more choices.
Light Language is the use of colours and Sacred Geometry.
The 49 shaped grid is to empower any intention for attracting to you specific situations, healings, and outcomes. As we discover the patterns and obstacles that have been in your path, we are able to uncover the cause of your dis-ease, lack, or reason for not yet having what you would like to create.
In the teachings of the curanderos, there are nine different categories of causes, and nine areas of life to which they can be applied. As we write 49 shaped light grids, it will heal the cause and re-write the script in your life.
Light Language Grids can be created for yourself, for other individuals, or for your community.
Examples of 49 shaped grids
The 144 shaped grid, which follows the double spiraling pattern of your DNA, is to bring an eternal shift in you and works at soul level. 144-shaped grids are created to assist you and others in manifesting long lasting changes on all levels. They are powerful enough to clear the energies of life threatening diseases.
Grids for community at this level hold enough power to help change the energies and perceptions for entire countries allowing them to shift with more grace on the physical plane.
After your consultation, this type of grid takes me about 8 hours to create.
Example of an advanced LL shape