Why would you want to learn Light Language?

Our language is composed of letters that are composed of words, that are supposed to convey feelings and meaning. Like wise, Light language is composed from a more fundamental perspective, of letters, words, feelings and meaning that are already built in the structure of existence: Light.

Through the ages and cultures up to today we have refined languages, added words, made them sometimes more convenient and also practical to use. By this process our language has been adapted to the needs that we have for every society. Through this evolution and refinement, we have seen that certain languages are more prone to excel in one field instead of another. There is a “flavour” or a contextual style that each language carries. For example, French has been used for several centuries as a diplomatic language, to discuss political matters between different countries. Italian is a language that is commonly used in singing for its beautiful articulations and sounds it provides. English is a language that flows everywhere on our planet and has the convenience of connecting most of the people together, with its additional tinge to help solve problems.

Languages have their own sayings, expressions and ways of understanding the universe, and tells a lot from where and how we look at things.

Potawatomi Chief

An interesting thing I have heard about a tribal language, the Potawatomi language, is that it incorporates within its contextual understanding of the universe a more interconnected way in addressing the aliveness of the world. They view an apple as something alive and therefore would call it a being. Similarly a stone, a fish and natural beings will be approached as a he/she/they instead of an “it”. This way of thinking involves, a very compassionately and empathically approach to the world. I believe that if I would shift my approach to life to their language, my reality would start to become extremely intimate and my feelings would be much more involved.

In the nordic-germano cultures they make no distinction between good and bad within their language.

In all the (more than 10’000)American Indian languages they have no word for possession or ownership.

Another beautiful example I heard is that in the Sanskrit language there exists 267 words for the meaning of love. Such as, they would have a specific word of love, to describe the love they have for a camel.

And in English we have only one word for love…

As we grow our comprehension how language can influence greatly our behaviors, now imagine a language where every possible expression of it can only convey the highest good for all… Where every ounce of intent will only be shared under the concept of the highest good.

Already understanding the concept of what the highest good means is a quite a stretch.

A Language that has a stable frequency of love embedded within the very “letters” of that language…

A language that respects timing and evolution in a way to suit its message at the rate of your comprehension.

A language that fundamentally communicates with every living structure... Talking to rocks, plants and animals have never been easier but even to talk across time and space is within its reach.

That even the wish for using this language in a manipulative, negative or harming way will render the language null, useless and inexistent… But instead reflect and bring a clear inner message how misaligned you are with your highest good…

A language that guides like a compass-needle to an ultra alignment beyond time and space…

A language that uses the very codes of the universe is ordered by.

A language that is Conscious, Reflective and ALIVE.

A language that carries the same codes from which your body is built.

A language that allows you to communicate with any being in the universe instantaneously.

A language that conveys the simplicity of our intuition and allows the pure expression of our multi-dimensional sides.

A language that communicates from the soul level...

A mystical and transcendental language..

This is Light language.

I teach Light Language semi-regularly online or in person.

You can learn more about it here