Why I LOVE Sacred Geometry

I love so much sacred geometry
And you know why?
Because it’s literally the convergence of all dichotomies.
Isn’t that what religion is meant for? Converging all dichotomies..?

Not so long ago somebody asked me if I followed a religion. I answered I don’t know if I follow one but if I had to say one I’d say Sacred Geometry. Something fundamentally mathematical yet applied as a lived experience that would open me to more of the mysteries of creation.

I’m so enchanted by it because it is a bridge between my inner world and the outer one. It is like a key, a guide, a path that opens, that knows, that shows the way I don’t know. It is incredibly personal, there is nothing outside of it, yet we can draw it, map it, look at it as models from outside. It is deeply universal as well; connecting all potential points of space or time. It’s very magical and puts me in touch with what is magic in me. It is a vote to reclaim my psychic powers and to see the world once again connected as a whole.

I’m in awe as well with this picture as it reflects somehow the overload, or the unexplainable emotions that never ending-ly rise the energies to greater and greater levels of reality such as an eagle resting and spiralling up on the warm wind.. It is a realisation that what was perceived as separation(God-me) is but an experience of polarity, of dichotomy, of duality to enrich, to beautify, to settle more strongly our learnings in our inherent unity of WHO we are. Death and life are two sides of the same door in which we go through every moment, every NOW, a billion times a second…

📸from @jaycobyart

I teach Light Language semi-regularly online or in person.

You can learn more about it here