We are at the brink of a very exciting turn in our human story as we are flooded within the era of information: we are empowered to connect and decide from where and from whom we want to get information. Yet something is deeply going wrong, and we can feel it in our bodies. Nature is suffering.
We must assess direly what we truly need and let go of what we don’t. An intense choice that allows and gives way for Power, Love, and Freedom to prevail. The process of letting go our limiting behaviours, beliefs and definitions is globally unavoidable now.
The 13 STEP OPEN CONTACT course is designed to regenerate and help us remember that we are the unstoppable force of nature, as nature, and an unexplainable beauty of creation. We are in essence, walking solutions.
OPEN CONTACT is the ability to converse with all beings of the world: the planets, the animals, the rocks, the waters, etc. OPEN CONTACT is a state of being that expresses availability for exchange between the inner world and the outer one. As an open heart. OPEN CONTACT is the recognition that all forms & energy convey and communicate divine essence.
Let us pray together and humbly bow on our knees so that the power within all of us may reveal itself to us, as us. Let us remember our all-powerful essence and cosmic vastness. Let us celebrate our poetic relationship with eternity and create magic in the mundane together. TOGETHER, we are the one pulsing life of our universe.
This Journey is meant as a basis, a tool, a practice that you can do once as an inspiration for your soul evolution or to commit for a longer period with me every moon cycle, online or in person. You can also dance it by yourself or with a group of friends. Listen to your own wisdom how you need to complete this journey. The structure offered is an organic and alive field to help us remember our true nature and bring us back into our ability to respond and become powerful co-creators with life, where the world that has created us and the world our hearts yearn for merge into unity. That is how we birth the new earth.
Every new moon I initiate this 13 step journey to nourish and maintain growth of communication. The new moon is an energetical portal to the void, an ideal moment of our celestial movements to let go of our identities, pause, listen, feel and align deeper with our souls. Setting heart pulsing intentions to harness and ride with the rising energy of the moon.
This new moon in cancer has a generous sensitivity to detail, vulnerability and nourishment. Its gift is to create a field for gnosticism, mysticism and wisdom from the unknown. Its sensitivity emerges new emotions, feelings, and intuition to the playground. Providing rigorous love as a mother would embrace children. Alchemizing our everyday narratives for spiritual growth.
It is part of the magic of this course to invest value and appreciation in yourself. Cash in yourselves.
I am in deep dedication and practice of shifting the paradigm of money. Aligning our value systems into a natural abundance bionomy for all living forms. With our current value systems, money is reflected and rooted within an out-sourced value: Gold. But the true source of appreciation is yourself. We apply the value, no matter how useful and purposeful any outer object has. The true value we have are the people and the world itself.
Although I come with the desire to change our value systems, I still value the one we are using, and desire as much as possible to be paid through our current monetary symbols. You may already start to share your money with the intent as free flowing love, as the power of soul, as your appreciation in my work, and your vote for new paradigm culture… And in this regards, I appreciate an energy exchange of: 144 CHF/€/$ for this OPEN CONTACT course. If you have a lot of money, please consider to give more. If you are desiring to exchange differently, reach out. Let us bring into action the transformation of money for Soul Culture. May we enjoy all together the abundance of life!
You may register by sending me personally a message through Whatsapp, Telegram, Facebook, Instagram, email, or simply here.
My number is +41 78 237 31 10 My email is: info@bloominfinity.com My social media address is: @Sanderpanetje My website is: www.bloominfinity.com My name is Cyr Bezuijen