I find it very important to address the topic of value exchange as its roots is of subjective value. It is part of your magic to invest value and appreciation in yourself. Cash in yourselves.
I am in deep dedication and practice of shifting the paradigm of money. Aligning our value systems into a natural abundance bionomy for all living forms.
With our current value systems, money is reflected and rooted within an out-sourced value: Gold.
But the true source of appreciation is yourself. We apply the value, no matter how useful and purposeful any outer object has. The true value we have are the people and the world itself.
Although I come with the desire to change our value systems, I still value the one we are using, and desire as much as possible to be paid through our current monetary symbols.
Paying is not only an exchange but also a vote or a support to my passion and work I do. Investing your money is not only investing in your health and well being, but also in helping an artist, a healer, a project manager to fulfil his dreams on earth.
If you have a lot of money, please consider to give more.
If you are desiring to exchange differently, reach out.
Let us bring into action the transformation of money for Soul Culture.
May we enjoy all together the abundance of life!