13 / 13 The one - New Moon in Sagittarius 2024


Who are we?
Who are we as a species?
What does this question refer to?

Life is evolving, year after year, moment after moment our forms keeps on changing forever. You eat, and the food becomes you. You breathe, you sing, you laugh, you see, you think … and all of these experiences become you and does something with You. So it must converge to a singularity. Yet we start to find out that this singularity is again not the end, as it evolves, it grows, it breathes as well… Your personality is again another show of drama on the stage of the world…

So we start to dream, to wonder, to imagine what if I am more than this personality? What if behind all these lives and deaths, there is a presence upholding the many shapes of the world. Because whether I eat pineapples or salads my hair colour doesn’t change, my size doesn’t change, my habits are kept for the most part the same… There must be a blueprint, a morphogenetic field that upholds this life, this intelligence, this structure…

And we expand our antennas, our abilities, our sensitivities for the source of life. The high energy, maybe the sun, the light, the potential… And a sense of embrace emerges out of this idea, a pearlescent bubble is upholding the many shades, shapes, and ways. A motivation behind all the movements has been fuelling our minds, our spirits. Yes this spiritual experience does not take part in the drama but is definitely present in our lives. Whether we are so focused on what’s in front of me or not, we can see this permeating and everlasting field all around us…

But if all is taking place within this bubble, There must be an outside.. If all is sourced in light there must be a true darkness holding, directing, dancing with the light as they can’t be separated. If I could imagine all these ideas, concepts, and processes, having a never ending void must exist even before anything else existed… There must be a ‘nothing’ that cannot even be truly realised but only attempted and at best approached. As when I will be ‘there’, ‘it’ will be then further. Limitlessness.

Who are we?

Humans. Or better said Humanity.
We are One. And the many.
We have so much in common, and yet are intricately different.
We cannot be separated and yet try our best to be divided.
We are nameless in nature while carrying names.
We are bodies made up of dirt while scourging and raping the earth.
We are the heritage of eons of evolution while dishonouring ancestral wisdom.
We have never been so many on the planet yet so lonely as well.
We are in the greatest evolutionary power humanity has ever seen while running so eagerly away from our responsibilities.

I believe it is time for us to relax, to surrender, and to feel the under current beyond life & death that holds all the light, all the discrepancies, all the power of reality. To let go and let God animate each of us as co-creators. I believe it is time for us to dare divinity. To truly see the divine in each and every one of us. Without exception. And I mean everything: the sky, the dust, the grass, the animals… EVERYTHING.


If you feel resonant and maybe eager to live a life of divinity in each cell of your body, I’ve dedicated a space, A journey, a collective adventure to allow specifically this frequency to land. To drop all boarders and barriers that separate our perception of the sacredness of life. Your heart beat, your sweat, your lungs are having a deep intimate affair with life.. They participate like the trillions other cells in your organism and because of their ENGAGEMENT do they open LIFE. You are a miracle for this universe. You have no idea. Your mysterious genius is at play NOW. Do you see it? Do you feel it?

Let me share with you once again that I’m eagerly passionate about this offer: OPEN CONTACT. It is not a space like any other, because I make it so. Would you also make it so if you join?
Joining is not ‘just’ a choice. Joining is a lived experience. It is opening yourself to a way of living. It is vulnerability at its best. And that is beauty. That is courageous. That is worth honouring.

I believe that we need to remember and be remembered to and through this. Remembered like a practice, remembered like a hygiene, re-membered like a way of living, a lived experience.
Will you join me?

Our next round is starting the 30th December and people are rolling in.

Let’s pulsate and ripple love in the world and within us.