12 / 13 Point of origin - New Moon in Sagittarius 2024
Let me teach you something today:
Living a conscious life is a life of TENSION.
Say What!? Wut!? Hehe
This tension can be literal and/or metaphorical.
Yes awareness is an active field, is an alive field, is a field filled of reflective light not darkness.
This light of consciousness has a force. It is ATTENTION -> OUT TENSION.
But doesn’t that mean that one cannot relax consciously?
Actually no, you can. As much as your body needs tension to contract a muscle, your body also needs to burn energy(ATP) to relax a muscle.
We usually say ‘energy flows where attention goes’, the process after a yoga class to lay in Shavasana is an opportunity for you to mediate and integrate more strongly relaxation and clarity of space orientation from your body. And meditation is another perfect example.
But let me take you some steps further how consciousness can be navigated and served.
Consciousness is a product that has the quality of being both within space & time, and without -> Which means being even outside whatever concept you can conceive of imaginary space -> dreams, illusions, paradise, etc.
This product beyond and within time & space, that is awareness, self awareness, will always have the opportunity to become aware of any level of reality but will also affect that reality accordingly. Because if it is SELF AWARENESS, by definition, means that ‘reality’ is a part AND a whole reflection of the awareness.
Our main-stream science has yet to understand and accept how much power consciousness has in affecting any result we dis-cover. Our double slit experiment has proven a great deal about it but we need to finish the work!
This is again what I meant with your consciousness is a force, a TENSION, that affects reality.
But if it is a tension, doesn’t that mean that I will never perceive it unaltered?
Well without consciousness you cannot perceive at all.
Nevertheless I want to share here a nuance.
Take for example your breath.
The moment you become aware of your breath, will your breath ‘usually’ be altered. You may feel nervous, or the pattern changes, the automatism is broken.
But this change of breath-flow is coincidentally and correspondingly related with the QUALITY of your attention.
In other words let me ask you this: Is your attention scraping the gross density of events or are you diving in the fine tuning of events? Is your attention subtle or not so subtle?
How integrative of - ALL - the forces of life is your attention?
If I would be very dry, Consciousness is your TRUE vehicle that travels and grows across your life. The rest are just illusions, props, and sets that we buy into.
So can you become aware of your breath without altering it?
In a sense no, in another yes.
The secret is that all that is manifested IS consciousness…
For example, you could, if you use your attention, with the awareness that upholds all the dynamics that make up your breath, to simply ride on top of events and witness the process. Undisturbing what is happening because you know what power you have, because you know what is happening, because you are WILLING to allow, let in, and receive with gratitude ALL forces, dynamics, and alchemies that affect your breath.
You see the vulnerability and fragility of breathing.
If you don’t, you will alter it to the lens of your perception…
Let me know if you found this insightful🙏
There is a field in which consciousness bathes and arises. A source - the source - where all differentiations emerge, where all discrepancies are reconciled, where you make contact with ALL THAT IS. This field that is the transcendence of quality is the ‘normal’ for the soul, yet the separative factor between science and religion(because it has not yet been proven scientifically…) Yet this field is our true birth portal that communes in every moment the outer with the inner.. It is what is most natural to our being and what is most fundamental to any creative phenomenon.
Wouldn’t that be insanely sane to share a space with other souls where this field is livened, transmitted, and deeply felt? Where we can cultivate a resting within and sharing accordingly that rest, that reinvigoration, that reawakening that gets translated through every cell of your body. That each ounce of your be-ing oozes into a collective field of insanely courageous, sensitive, and heart centred people.
I’ve prepared over the last 4 years, an adventure exactly for this purpose. I’ve been journeying in it since and have refined it every time to the precision of this purpose. It’s called OPEN CONTACT and the depth, richness, and extent of this adventure is so extensive that a post cannot cover it. If I would summarise in a nutshell, this adventure is about mastering your presence in all areas of your life.
Sounds too good to be true?
See and try it for yourself.
I initiate this adventure at each new moon.
The next one happens on the 30 December 2024.