Outro - New Moon in Sagittarius 2024

Wow pfeew….
I feel very worked through these last 13 days…
It has been a deep journey. I had to recalibrate my schedule, my time, my energy, my vision, my commitments, my choices… to show up, to have shared my movements with you in the way I did.
It is a sacrifice or yet even better it is a gift I give myself. It felt edgy, scary at times, vulnerable, but also relieving in many ways… I could start to feel that yes, what I shared came from me and it felt real. It felt authentic and that liberated for me many opportunities for all of you reading me, to understand and connect with me more fully.

It is important for me to share my work. And the deep reason is not money!
No, it is much better than that. It is connection, and relationships.
I feel that we need to cultivate better ways to connect and relate with one another, with nature, and with the world.
I have touched the ground of who I am. And I know as a matter of fact that there is no evil in me. That doesn’t mean I am ‘perfect’(whatever that means anyway), I can look messy, I can be lost, I can feel pain, I can be just like you. And that that which I am is in constant evolution, in growth, in change. Whatever relation I ever had, whatever relationship and person I ever met in my life is evolving. Because I am growing. And maybe not in the ways you expect it…

I think that, that is exciting. To not know how things evolve and yet be fully present with what is, because I choose to take care of my inner world such as through my OPEN CONTACT offering. Because I choose to run my life, as best as I can, with feelings of gratitude, of inner powers, of joys I don’t even understand. I am relaxing in the obviousness and symbology of life. And reshaping my definitions of life constantly, as dis-covering myself is a passion of mine that is very ‘present’ in my life right now.

Just being yourself is healing the world.
Isn’t that easy?

Come to our next round of OPEN CONTACT
You are more needed than you think.
Let us reveal that to one another. Directly or indirectly.
Life is mysterious and we are allowed to work in mysterious ways too.
There is no need to prove, there is no expectations of you.
But I invite you to show up.
Your heart, your truth <3
In the way that works for you 🌟

In deep gratitude for your presence