2 / 13 NERVES OF THE EARTH - New Moon in Sagittarius 2024
Wow .. What a life we live .. no?
Isn’t it so truly crazy to live in these times on earth?
I honestly could not imagine living in a world and time that is so polarising. And yet I feel it is going to be even more.. even beyond what I can imagine… It will continue to sky rocket..
I feel like giving up my expectations as it is just beyond my wildest imagination .. this world we live in…
How do you deal with overwhelm?
How do you deal with this intensity?
I certainly struggle and feel inconsistent in it. I am learning, growing, and this is what being human is I believe. But this struggle can be fun, can be enjoyable. I’m not there a 100% yet, but my inner compassionate spiritual compass says it is certainly possible. ⚡️
Isn’t that courageous to believe that? I think so but I certainly think that YOU, living in these intense times is incredibly courageous too! I admire you for being here. I want you to know that.
I have to cry at times, to imagine the enormous feats we do as humans for being human. For being courageous, for being curious, for being so boldly daring and loving in our own way. Because it is so inconvenient, so vast in contrast, so rich in experience, so much in polarity to be human that it is for me a miracle to see people pulling it through.
Many times I wonder how it is possible to carry on… Where is this source in people to believe in a better world for tomorrow?
I admire and wonder: wouldn’t it be even more amazing to explicitly express this courage to others? And I know how challenging this can be to express your gifts to the world… Let alone your self conscious limiting beliefs.. how could you allow yourself to stand in front of others as an example… … Yes … How about we muster the courage to meet, to unravel together, to dis-cover and reveal to one another each others gift we are to the world? Why else do you think your are here on planet earth?
How about we make that act of presenting, honouring, and gracing each others as (in)valuable…
I believe we deserve that. Not from a place of petty neediness. Not from an ego driven fulfilling prophecy. No, simply because we are that. Because ultimately we are F***ing courageous to be here. Because we each breathe the very essence of life. Because we are a myriad of reflections to one another that cannot be exchanged. We are each a living piece of the very earth we are all made of. With burning desires and altruistic aspects.
… I believe that one of the greatest gifts creation grants us to experience is the relatedness with the innumerous objects/subjects the cosmos embraces. THIS cosmic experience.
And since you are part of the cosmos, we need each other for that.
Would you allow yourself and others that experience?
If you wish to be guided there, let me invite you into a structure specifically designed to grant that reality to all willing. My heart is so full of passionate feelings to welcome you in this structure. It is called OPEN CONTACT and I can share more with you about it if you pm me.
May your courage illumine the rivers of the world. You ARE BE-YOU-tifull 🌸⚡️