11 / 13 Break Whole - New Moon in Sagittarius 2024


I feel that our greatest gift as human beings is to relate as individuals with totality.
And I do believe that animals relate with totality but what makes humans different and unique from ‘most’ animals on the planet is that we can have a sense of separation, a sense of isolation, a sense of individualism ‘consciously’ besides it.
We can feel separated, divorced, lonely and also united, married, all one.

This gift to relate with others, with more, and with less makes up all the ‘sense’ of the world: Purpose, freedom, Joy, meaning of Life, Love are all qualities that are relying on a super Unifying network of existence - Totality. The connective tissue that life is. From all that is visible to all that is invisible.
Your - Time - is a needle that weaves across dimensions a unique tapestry and pattern into the fabric of space. While at the same time, you have been borrowing the yarn or thread of life. You are right in between this co-creation between ‘what has been before you’ and ‘all that you are about to create from you’, between what has been co-created and what is about to co-create, between space and time, between individualism and collectivism.

Yet as much as we can relate with individualism and collectivism it does not always have to reflect the totality of who we really are. To clarify this more you can identify with a character or an archetype(individualism) while it not being reflective of WHO you really are - your unique SOUL frequency.

And so the ‘standard’ way of living life on this planet is to identify with one quality or another, with a person, an idea or an other. We sway like a pendulum, that surely will have to go back and forth, between identities that we defend or avoid like our death depends on it. Most of us only experience ‘consciously’ one or the other but rarely are those who experience both at the same time.

Yet the secret to completely allow this greatest gift to permeate in your life is to identify with your unique SOUL’S FREQUENCY. Because that’s where you ARE an expression of totality. Unique and yet universal. A fractal truth. A multidimensional crystal.

It is funny somehow from the ‘standard’ perspective that we diminish and dampen our power, our frequency, our gift because that is just the status quo of the world. We usually divide our attention constantly between this or that because that is the nature of intellect and an indoctrination of divide and conquer. It has been unsafe many times to exhibit your true power —> Witch hunt.

I believe that there are many who’ve made the progress within themselves - enough - to be above and beyond victim mentality about a specific topic. You’ve done your work and are immune to the dis-ease. Nevertheless you may encounter people that are still struggling about this topic, from a perspective you have not approached yet.
If you identify as a healer, an assister, or simply a caring person, I suspect that your motivation will be to share that care, healing and assistance with them.
For a healing to occur, the healer gives off a vibration of the healed state and the healee decides whether or not they wish to match that example.

But I do believe that the way, the language, the relatability how your healing communication is shared will determine how accessible it is. And that accessibility has everything to do with how much you love and how much compassion you have. Your ability to relate so fully with another’s perspective will give them that full opportunity to move with you, as they will feel fully understood and received.

But the fragmented mind of a boss, of a parent, or any authority in societal structures that are still struggling from victimhood mentality have made since eons, the very healthy ‘dangerous’ and unsafe. There are many people walking around wounded, scared, and traumatised which are projecting their pain and beliefs upon all challenging them. This is quite the compromise to live with!

How do you show up to them?
What do you do, when you’ve realised your societal superior’ to be in such a state?

Threats and projections of negative authority are truly creations of our own self-esteem issues. With which we need to find true reconciliation. We need to realign our values, our definitions of power and eventually practice our nervous system to handle intensity in its many shapes. Cultivating frailty will not sustain the expression of your soul, but courage will.

How would it look like if a group of people came together to cultivate this SOUL’S FREQUENCY? To look eye to eye level, even if size mattered? To inquire the strength of a heart to weigh the depth of unfinishable love?
I’ve prepared a structure, an adventure, a journey for like minded and like hearted to join specifically for those inquiries, experiences, and growths. It is called OPEN CONTACT - A 13 day unravelling of your deepest intentions and a group’s loving presence. A space to cultivate, refine, and absorb the infinite presence a group generates. A supportive field, for YOUR unique qualities to be invited and to share and serve the world.
YOUR growth is the growth of the world.