Welcome to my Palace to remember the dignity that we are.

Welcome in the womb that embraces and beautifies all divisions and diversities of all expressions.

Welcome to the land that cultivates the timeless gnosis.

I have this vision imprinted in my soul, where I feel a strong calling to share the truth
that each being is in their own way the royalty(Queen, King, Queer, …) of the universe, in juxtaposition to the other royalties.

And as long as all beings do not feel royal in their own way, will I keep my crown up to reflect royalty inside or outside.

My creation HONOR is a gesture to Coronate humanity.



With this wish to coronate humanity, I have been searching for words, qualities and values that reflect that level of integrity of our being. The simplicity of the word HONOR conveyed for me in a nutshell what it is like to be royal.

I have magnified core themes that I concord with HONOR, to achieve sovereignty in our cosmological design within this platform.


Under the light of simplicity, the concept of HONOR is to invite you in my Palace where I will guide you through the different rooms and allow you to interact with the different archetypes present in my kingdom.

Curious to find out which are the rooms that are in my palace?