The secrets of
Sacred Geometry

Content of the course:

The course is divided in 6 main chapters:

1/6 The universal code

Where we get a deep understanding how the universe communicate between the typical duality of existence, Objectivity & Subjectivity.

  • €/$/CHF 111.-

  • In this course we will cover subjects like: What is geometry, What is Sacred, Universal Laws, what is God, Who & what are you, science of consciousness, what is memory, the science of imprinting/simulation, the 3 axis of time and the 3 axis of space, a constructive & destructive wave interference, E=mc2, space/time/energy/mass inter-relates.

  • 3 Hours

2/6 The dimensional factor

where we get a deep understanding how dimensions are created and with what.

  • €/$/CHF 111.-

  • In this course we will cover subjects like: Infinity, what is space, why the speed of light, time dilation and absolute relativity, Universal Laws, Planck, Parallel realities, dimensional translations, fractals, entropy/syntropy, Receptive & Projective realities, Merkaba/Stellated Octahedron,

  • 3 Hours

3/6 The Upper and Lower dynamics

Where we dive into the fundamental uncertainty principle of the linear space time perspective.

  • €/$/CHF 111.-

  • In this course we will cover subjects like: Anticipation - a super power, the tetrahedral bipyramid, higher/lower self, Pride & Humility, what is ascension, parallax, lens of perception, the personality prism, the motivational mechanism.

  • 3 Hours

4/6 The Unified Field

where we explore the fundamental geometry and force that animates all created life.

  • €/$/CHF 111.-

  • In this course we will cover subjects like: Michelson-Morley experiment, why do we need the Aether, compressibility, Gravity & Radiation, Torus, radial vectors, concentric circles, spirals, the language of the Aether, phase conjugation, golden ratio/fibonacci/phi, transverse/longitudinal waves, perfected charge collapse, vortex

  • 3 Hours

5/6 Beyond the Veil

where we uncover the multidimensional expressions of emotions, frequencies, and intentions.

  • €/$/CHF 111.-

  • In this course we will cover subjects like: beyond physical, quantum entanglement, codes of consciousness, the array, wormholes, s/p/d/f orbitals, the holy grail, what are frequencies, polarity/neutrality, telepathy, chakras, our 6th sense, EM fields, the power of mapping, how does shape affect, dimensional emotions, scalar/vector quantities, technical models, adjustments to higher dimensional perceptions, the big bang of perspectives

  • 3 Hours

6/6 Sound of Creation

where we lay open what strings are responsible for creating our universe.

  • €/$/CHF 111.-

  • In this course we will cover subjects like: Symmetric Fields physics, geometric based physics, 4D filmstrip, speeds of reality, a billion words in one symbol, heart embedding, unifying spiral, cymatics, bouba/kiki effect, pure Vowels, the doorway, modes of communication, anatomy of belief

  • 3 Hours

There will be space for Question and Answers through each class so you get plenty of time to reveal for you, what you need to know from me.

The 6 parts course costs €/$/CHF 555.- in total.
If you like to only book one part, costs are €/$/CHF 111.-

Join the 3 month program which include the Light Language Level 1 course + the 6 courses on The Secrets of Sacred Geometry for €/$/CHF 888.-

Symbology is all around us, 

And success seems to follow a pattern.

In my course of Sacred Geometry, I am laying down the foundational path for you to explore how Sacred Geometry works. How to enact Sacredness in everything around you.

From the smallest to the highest I will guide you in your own discovery of the Natural Laws governing the multi-dimensional realities of our common world.

I will help clarify:

- How a reality of Time / Space comes into existence
- What the flower of life represents ⚛️
- How dimensions are created
- Why and what are Universal Laws
- Why and what are platonic solids 🟪
- The essence & structures of consciousness 👁
- Why and how symbology works
- Why and what holographic nature is
- If sacred geometry can help us to evolve consciousness
- What is language and light language from the Mayan/Aztec civilisation ✨
- How psychokinesis works and Telepathy
- How densities of reality manifest
- The correspondence between consciousness, mind, and matter
- and so much more ⚛️ 🔮...

The sources of my knowledge are:

  • Starr Fuentes

  • Zabe Barnes

  • Damian Haye

  • Alchemical Manual of this Millenium

  • Dan Winter

  • Dan Echegoyan

  • Stan Tenen

  • James Egan



  • Bashar & Co

  • Lisa Renee


  • Many more and of course myself